Criminal Organization ‘The Guild’ has been responsible for a number of high-profile, unsolved thefts since the early 1950s. Interforce even denies the existence of the organization, which struck all over Europe, but presumably worked from the Netherlands. Now, 70 years later, these “failures” are in danger of being hidden away forever. Players have one hour to investigate one of the most startling cases for the last time: “The Diamond Heist”
In 1959, the “Hope Diamond” – a unique and priceless blue diamond – traveled through Europe in the exhibition “Court of Jewels”. One evening, the Hope Diamond was stolen from a museum in Amsterdam. It is suspected that Criminal Organization ‘The Guild’ was behind the robbery; but the matter has never been resolved; especially because it was difficult to determine Who committed the theft.

Three casefiles, one chat
At the time, four different detectives worked on the case. Three of them have since died and left a file. You now have it in your hands.
Besides those three case files, there is another important source: Anton Groen. He is the fourth detective to work on the case, and the only one of them still alive. He can be reached via chat. You can ask him anything about the case; especially he knows a lot about the Criminal Organization’s Guild.
[Anton Groen is an intelligent chatbot,answering almost all questions from players during the game]